A new contract is awaiting you

Adding to the change being initiated by the current transits, today I began a new journey around the sun.

The collective stage is being set for the next step in our unending growth and evolution.

Yesterday the new moon rose, inviting us to explore how to deepen our alignment with our intentions. Also asking us to focus on what we desire to evolve and expand in our lives.

Trust Yourself To Do Something You Have Never Done Before

Encouraging each of us to create the new by sharing our abilities, gifts and skills as we have never done before.

This will bring us lessons in re-birth and renewal. Reminding us that whilst the message is to co-create something grander than ourselves, it depends on us to fulfil our part.

Ready To Live Your Life And Do Something You Have Never Done Before? outlines how each of us is being encouraged to stretch the edges of the human story. 

For, in exploring what else is possible, we are stepping beyond the patterns of the past.

Very often these are based on judgements we have made about actions we perceive as “done to us” – being the victim.

Instead, seek the lesson you have learnt as a result of what has triggered your re-action.

Tomorrow, the 23rd, Pluto leaves Capricorn, where it has been since 2008, for a few months´ flirtation with collective minded Aquarius.

Pluto teaches us life is an unstoppable force. Providing opportunities for renewal, new beginnings and spiritual and financial growth.

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, the previous more widespread financial crisis unfolded. Its impeding departure from Capricorn for Aquarius, is being marked  by the current banking crisis emerging.

Suggesting a cycle of what is in decay and in need of elimination is nearing completion!    

Speak Your Truth As You Have Never Done Before 

The latest Message From Source concludes with this guidance:

“The practice of continuing to create the new is one you all need to maintain, for there is no end point, only the next horizon to look toward.”

This was complemented by guidance most existing soul contracts no longer support what is emerging.

Make sure everything possible is launched, finalised or in motion prior to 21st April. From then on, the remainder of 2023 will experience some form of retrograde energy, slowing us down and causing us to dance with the past.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by these transitions…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

We have begun to make the steps to return us to the state where everything is possible. Doing something you have never done before is a key part of this process!

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in the creation of their new life.

To Doing Something You Have Never Done Before      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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