Should you be offered a chance to change, go for it rather than later being forced to change    

You cannot silence your body forever!

Either you will repeatedly be unwell, experience chronic pain and dis-comfort, or feel uncomfortable and dis-connected from it.

Our physical body is designed to be our compass. Guiding us to the decisions that support our growth and evolution.

Though we have been taught to look outside for all we desire, following the formulae for success and safety we have been told to accept.

Shutting down the connection to our body and so the messages aligned with our Soul´s desires.

For our Soul talks to us through our physical body not the mind.

Shine Your Light On Your Choice Of Direction     

Part of the recent energetic upgrades we all experienced during the Lion’s Gateway, had a focus on helping us all recognise and value our intuitive abilities, our inner wisdom.

There is just over a month before the second in the series of six upgrades preparing humanity for the move to the Fifth Dimension.

When current events are viewed from the perspective of shedding the skin of the Third Dimension human collective to assist in that move, you know preparation is underway.

Then you can begin to create the experiences you desire by choosing your direction. Which will require you are attuned to your own feelings, for only they will guide you to your path.

Realising you are creating your reality is another indicator your consciousness is shifting.

The astrology on 19th August marks the end of “our rest period”. The energies will have consolidated, ready for what will unfold during the last months of 2024.

Not only will the full moon in Aquarius rise on that day, there will be a square of the two largest planets in our solar system. When these titans clash, we are compelled to focus on the major themes and challenges in our lives – in particular its structure.

The square will challenge and test the commitments and structures you started to build from December 2020.

As much has shifted subsequently, my article about next Monday´s full moon, suggests you use this square to review the direction you have been heading.

Feeling into whether it is still the one which will bring you the most joy?

The Light Of The Full Moon Marks The Eclipse Season Beginning

Pluto making his last pass through the old beliefs of Capricorn from 1st September to 19th November indicates expect challenges!

Suggesting endings will dominate the last months of 2024.

The latest Message From Source added:

“These and other questions should be addressed as soon as you create the opportunity to do so. In fact, this will become a regular process as evolution continues to accelerate. It will be another three years before it slows down again!”

As the Aquarian full moon rises, the eclipse season begins. Expect more turning points, endings and beginnings, breakdowns, breakthroughs and fresh timelines to appear.

Mercury is retrograde until 28th August. This could bring back old projects, jobs, or even ex-flames and lovers. Should you wish to re-connect with such a person or lover from the past, now is the moment to act.

Let go of your doubts, your resistance and limiting old beliefs so you sense what is possible for you and your vision.

All of which indicates this is the moment to shine the light of your inspiration and imagination on your life. Building on the recent energetic upgrades we all experienced during the Lion’s Gateway.

Should you need any help in doing so, please reply to this post.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to shine their light on the changes they can make. 

To Brightly Shining Your Light   




aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire all to know and be themselves. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.  

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