The technological change emerging will create new leaders

The purpose of the recent eclipse cycle was to help us all break free of what was restraining us. Allowing us to take forward only what we desire.

Healing us of any lower density frequencies so that we could incorporate the higher ones. Moving in step with the acceleration which is taking place across all of Creation.  

The benefit for each of us is that as we clear our own value story, embrace our authentic identity and amplify our resilience and alignment, our life improves.

Yesterday the 30th May, the new moon in Gemini rose to create opportunities for us all.

The eclipses were a reminder we are in an 18 month cycle of the dragon nodes moving through the Taurus/Scorpio axis, stripping away deeply cherished connections whilst seeding new ones. The cycle completes in July 2023.

It is though just one of the cycles in play at this moment. Hence why we have needed to be inwardly digesting and then integrating – itself no small task as I said on many occasions to those attending last week´s retreat at our Quinta.

June will entail stepping up and stepping out with the resulting newfound clarity of self and purpose.

In Desire To Take Forward Your Life, What Is Holding You Back?, I have set out the periods when the intensity will continue.

The Mother Earth we knew pre-2020 has changed forever, and many have been left feeling – “What’s next?

Followed by “Can I make it there?”

Yesterday´s new moon in Gemini brought opportunities for us all. One of which was for new leaders to step forward. They will be required to take forward the emerging technological change.        

Ready To Take Forward Your Dreams?

The latest Message From Source includes advice on how to take forward this process of creation:

many new technologies are in the process of emerging, as are the means to communicate them to all of humanity…. bring forth from your own consciousness what are the desires in the moment and trust your feeling, not your thoughts.”   

June is the month to express yourself, to be true to who you are and rekindle your passions. To be in alignment with your soul´s mission. This though assumes you have let go of what no longer serves you and so allowed your frequency to rise.

This will be necessary to be free to manifest your desires over the next two years.

Mercury goes direct on 3rd June, though it will only be free of its post-shadow sludge on the 18th. During these two weeks expect a fair amount of confusion. Initially around how we communicate and in our day-to-day lives.

As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint with a fresh perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

To Taking Forward Your Life                       


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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