Know Your Truth, Embrace It

Over the past week several people asked me about the effect of the new moon in Scorpio, which rose on 7th November. My replies highlighted the message to “Know your Truth” in the waves from various planetary shifts the day before and after it.

Embrace Your Uniqueness

On the 6th Uranus dipped back into Aries until 6th March 2019, when it moves back into Taurus for the next seven years. When outer planets flip into a new sign and then retrograde back into the previous sign for a short period, we obtain a taste of what is coming for us.

It also provides a chance to recap and complete what was not finished or adapted to during the seven years when Uranus was in Aries until mid-May this year. For the next four months you are being reminded to embrace who you are by loving your uniqueness and individuality.

Uranus in Aries paved the way for self-expression and acceptance for being different, following your own path – even if it deviates from “cultural norms”.

During the 8th Jupiter moved into its home sign, Sagittarius – marking completion of its 12 year journey around the zodiac. In addition to being a major homecoming, it marks celebration of positiveness, fortunate expansion and wisdom. Jupiter remains here until 2nd December 2019.

It will also lighten the load if you have felt burdened with responsibilities or obligations, clearing out the last remnants of deep beliefs. Ready for 22nd November when the Sun also moves into Sagittarius. By then you will have deeply transformed, ready to commit your discoveries into positive outcomes.

The new moon itself is asking you to cultivate what you feel passionate about  – your truth. This is the key to successful endeavours this month. Also if you have had differences with partners, it is a period to find common ground and move forward.

The Sagittarius Effect

Jupiter in Sagittarius is saying the “truth will set you free”. Seeking to know your truth, embodying and living according to it is crucial. If you do not then it is probable you will create inner conflict – often indicated by pain and dis-comfort.

Jupiter also brings an opportunity and expansion of good fortune.

There is also the desire for deep enquiry and fascination with cultural diversity. Combined with diversity of thought, approach and of truth – i.e. my truth not yours!

For purposepreneurs, it means it is likely there will be changes to your belief systems as to how we go about building, communicating and practicing wealth creation. It will also bring shifts to education, our ideas about it and how we go about educating others.

All of which means the need to be in the flow of this state of flux rather than resisting it.

For it hints at a spurt in our growth. On the personal physical level as well as on the material and spiritual levels. This will require patience – which I am already receiving reminders about, and may be a challenge for some of us!

The suggestion is not to sit on your spontaneity, rather to review and research the opportunities. Sagittarius is represented by the archer shooting his arrow into the distance, Jupiter seeks expansion. Combined they suggest step out of the mental “I know” and allow the more far-seeing to be your guide.

If you find yourself at a transition point in your life where you are wondering whether to commit or not, and you like the idea of doing something truly meaningful, rewarding and also profitable, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session with me. Email me by clicking on the Contact tab to explore possibilities.

And The Retrograde Effect is to ….

15th November Mars moves into watery Pisces, switching our planet of motivation towards introspection, self-less service and giving an extra push to put effort into meditation, yoga, and creative expressions. There will be a yearning to be free – know your truth rather than acting out your story!

The next day Mercury goes retrograde and Venus starts to leave hers. During it she moved from one 584 day cycle to a new one – becoming visible as a morning star on the 5th. The intensity continues until 17th December when the post shadow period completes, often accompanied by a significant change in intimate interaction.

As well as the heart, Venus governs money and our values – being direct brings momentum again! Only you have to initiate what you learnt over the last 40 days.

Mercury begins his final retrograde of 2018 in Sagittarius. Meaning communication, technology and travel or transport challenges are once again to the fore. The influence of Sagittarius is to want the truth to be spoken out loud. Mercury´s influence will be to provide breakdowns in communication related to truth.

My suggestion is to be watchful of not assuming or making premature conclusions when they are not yet confirmed in writing.

You may have noted the current influence of Scorpio and Sagittarius – both beginning with the letter S. The symbol of a winding path that changes, requiring flexibility and focus.

This constant fluid motion of the “S” demands you be alert. In numerology, November 2018 is a 13 Universal month. Which also symbolises change – sudden shifts that seek to awaken and transform you to the core, your turning point perhaps?

Arising from all the flow and chaos is immense wisdom as to your next steps – though make them small rather than seeking to make one giant stride.

Change Your Life for 2019

We are approaching the New Year, the last part of 2018 will soon be gone.

For many it has been challenging as it brought up deeply buried beliefs which have been preventing us from living the life we desire.

Opportunities have been available to help us let them go, though very often we just do not know the belief that is holding us in its grip.

My experience is once we are aware of the belief we are more than halfway to its healing. Until then it continues to direct and control our life.

To help those who want to change their life I am offering you a free five day challenge starting within the next 10 days. It provides the opportunity to “Make 2019 the Year You Change Your Life.”

In the challenge you will learn tools to help you identify the inner conflict creating your pain and discomfort. Once you have this awareness it is then possible to address it.

The challenge will run inside my Facebook group – Conscious Business Tribe. To participate in the challenge you must join the group. When you do you will also be able to download for free a copy of my latest book “5 Simple Ways to Enjoy Abundance in Your Life Today!”

Join today to download this book as well as join my coming challenge – “Make 2019 the Year You Change Your Life.”

Where it leads you will depend on your desires and dreams and the action you alone take.

One Spirit Work

Our next event is 9th January with Constellations to Harmony. Do you feel held back by past events, desire to have a life of freedom? Want to change the Constellation your beliefs have created around you, this one day workshop focuses on shifting what you no longer desire. Are you ready to take action to do so?

This will be followed on 16th and 17th February by Discovering the Inner Realms…a Journey into Shamanism.

A full list of our events can be found on Shamanics in Portugal´s Facebook page as well as web site.

November Full Moon

November´s full moon rises in the early hours of the 23rd in Gemini. It also has the influence of Venus opposite Uranus.

Which means Gemini will be continuing the theme of attempting to free ourselves or substantial parts of our emotional intelligence and emotional wisdom. The influence of other planets means this full moon is asking us to identify what triggers us into the emotion of heated reaction, anger and frustration.

Communication breaking down as a result. Its purpose is to create more of an authentic partnership between what our emotional intelligence and wisdom provide and what our unconscious mind generates through its repeated stories.

To You Knowing Your Truth

Blessings to all


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life, Shamanic coach, Speaker.

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Join Conscious Business Tribe — Change Your Life in 2019

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