“It is essential for each of you to continue creating what it is you desire in your life” – Source

Still adjusting and upgrading after the eclipses?

Sensitive to the apparent never-ending stream of global challenges that seem to be increasing?

Today, 9th October, Jupiter goes retrograde, which means its ease and luck will be less available in our external world. So, we will need to trust our inner wisdom more to carry us through, especially in our mental and communication skills.

This is all happening as Pluto is stationing to go direct at the final degree of Capricorn on Friday, so this week any events will have a monumental feel about them!

Particularly, as whilst we move closer to the Love of the Fifth Dimension, the Third Dimension of fear, lack, limitation, separation, prejudice, war and crime seems ever more present.

The ancient prophecies have begun to unfold, with humanity already experiencing the transformational energies of the Fourth Dimension!

You Need Love To Be In The Fifth Dimension

The current task is not to rid your world of what you judge to be wrong.

For whilst trying to fix others, you are in judgement of them and yourself. So, reminding you of the belief you are broken, not worthy or good enough – which is where many remain stuck!

Judgement entails your energy becoming entangled with the chaos itself.

Instead, flow with the understanding there is no difference between you and all of Creation.

Then you realise the Love at the core of the Fifth Dimension –  becoming an illuminated being.

Where you are no longer bound by beliefs you are broken, not worthy or good enough.

More on the steps to achieve this is outlined in my latest article.

View this as an opportunity to elevate yourself into an experience where such consequences are no longer part of your reality.

Then, freed of limitation you will be able to create and experience all you imagine.

So, where do you start with this process?

Begin with what fills your heart with a warm glow, and then spread that glow to something you imagine happening to or for you. Examine it, feel it, enjoy its presence in your life.

Reminding yourself, what is most important at this moment is not the external events, it is what is going on inside you – in particular, your mind!

Ready To Receive The Creator´s Love?

The latest Message From Source included this insight as to the events unfolding and your role within them:

“Many of the events will astound you as to their nature and surprise you as to their appearance. Which is why it is essential for each of you to continue creating what it is you desire in your life.”

Trust in the path of ease and joy so you experience the shifts in your being as easily and joyfully as you may.

Outlined in the article is a simple process to help you to receive the Creator´s Love.

Remember the current rise in our vibration is impacting all of Creation, not only Mother Earth and its inhabitants!

Which unsurprisingly includes our sun. Solar cycle 25 is already twice as strong as expected and the strongest in over two decades – its peak has yet to be reached!

An example of the geomagnetic effect of solar flares is that on Monday, within 12 hours of one arriving on Mother Earth, Hurricane Milton jumped from a category 2 to 5 storm. A second is due to arrive Thursday/Friday!

Throughout October, multiple planets visit all three water signs — Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces — simultaneously!

In addition to the emphasis on emotional support and care, they provide a reminder to pause and reflect on the waves of change.

Would you like some assistance, please reply to this post.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love who may need some help to find their way to Love themselves.          

To Be Love   




aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire all to know and be themselves. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.  

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