We all have the ability within ourself to clear stumbling blocks  

Have you chosen to forge a completely new path, or perhaps wondering whether what is the best one for your evolution?

Are you afraid it will bring you up against the status quo?

Many will tell you such a path is not possible/logical/reasonable.

Though in your heart you feel it is the TRUE path for you.

The New Era Needs Thinking Outside The Box     

Then you will enjoy the full expression of your abilities, gifts and skills.

However, the stumbling block we all face is any belief or pattern of behaviour we hold that believes the experience is not for us.

Hence, put your attention on what you do want, be honest with yourself about how you feel about that particular desire you have.

Embrace completely new models and paradigms of what is possible, only then will the new era flow.

This is what is being asked of us all.

Already June has a feel we are venturing into a new era. One full of opportunities, success and pleasure as you step into the light of what you are creating.

June´s theme to think outside the box was set when Mercury came together with Jupiter and Pluto on 4th June. How far you are willing to look over your horizon is your choice. My encouragement is to do so!

Tomorrow´s new moon in Gemini is encouraging you to pursue opportunities by taking action on one of your inspirations, assisting you to progress it quickly.

Take advantage of the mental clarity provided, using it to express yourself – whether through writing, speaking, or engaging in lively discussions.

Allow yourself to dream beyond your current horizon.   

Gemini’s dual nature also highlights the importance of flexibility and adaptability. Be open to new perspectives and willing to change your mind when presented with compelling evidence.

With the new moon and Venus square to Saturn, this lunation is squaring the taskmaster to test our limits and commitments!

More is in my article about tomorrow´s new moon energy.

You Can Clear The Stumbling Blocks To Your New Era

Often we focus on adding aspects to our lives, forgetting release is just as powerful – usually more so!

For, until we leave the stories of the past where they are, we cannot make space for the new…

Chiron´s continuing presence indicates inner wounds have still to come to the surface for recognition.

Yes, evolution expands your consciousness, however, it also needs space to be embodied!

The latest Message From Source added:

“Now is the moment to initiate what you desire in the film of your life. Then you will be able to understand your own power to create what it is you desire. Knowing that it is your responsibility to do so, not to play a part others have chosen for you. This is your film, you are the director, producer and lead.”

From the end of June more planets will join Pluto in retrograde, so this is the moment to make your move by releasing, surrendering to the new light of your inspiration.

Pay attention to unusual feelings or sensations that come to you whilst in the shower or bath, meditating or in Nature. These are bursts of energy coming from your Soul, as well as the activations and upgrades you desire for the new era you are creating.

Expect such bursts of energy to become more frequent as we approach March 2025.

We must know ourselves more than we know anything else — and master our deepest capacities to fulfil the reason we chose to incarnate during this transition.

To master ourselves, and so be free of stumbling blocks!

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to step into their new era.      

To Venturing Into Your New Era            




aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire all to know and be themselves. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.    

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